6 Tips on Surviving and Thriving in a Long Distance Relationship

RELATIONSHIPS ARE A WILD AND CHALLENGING JOURNEY ALL ON THEIR OWN. So it makes sense that, no matter the reason, when you add ‘long-distance’ into the mix, you find yourself up against some real “make it or break it” scenarios. Whether your partner is in the military, travels a lot for work, or is pursuing […]
8 Healthy Habits of a Confident Woman

WHILE MOST PEOPLE WHO SEE ME ONLINE CONSIDER ME A VERY CONFIDENT PERSON… …however, you must know that for almost a decade of my adult life, I was very insecure in most areas of my life. I cared what people thought of me way too much. I would stay up worrying about certain friendships, and […]
18 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Month

BEING SELF-AWARE IS EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL, AND ALLOWS YOU TO HAVE A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR EMOTIONS, ACTIONS, AND WHY YOU DO WHAT YOU DO. As you become more self-aware, you will learn about your strengths and weaknesses, and in learning those, you can strive to change as needed. Self reflection has been found to enhance […]
12 Ways to Get Rid of Stress

STRESS SUCKS! AND WHEN IT SHOWS UP, IT AFFECTS EVERY AREA OF OUR LIFE. Have you ever been around someone that has hit their limit? They’re no happy camper. We’ve had our share of bad days from overloaded schedules to finding out that I need a root canal! While we were planning our wedding, we […]
10 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent People

THIS PROBABLY DOESN’T COME AS A SURPRISE BASED ON THE NATURE OF WHAT WE DO HERE AT MARRIAGE365, BUT WE GET A LOT OF MESSAGES ABOUT MARITAL CONFLICT. Message after message, I see couples at odds with each other over this situation or that situation and at the root of most of these disagreements, what […]
30 Questions to Build Self-Awareness

In my opinion, self-awareness is the number one attribute that makes someone healthy. The more self-aware a person is, the better fiancé, friend, parent and co-worker they are. Self-awareness starts with self-reflection. Over time, you can build self-awareness by journaling through questions and truly getting curious about who you are… and if you’re okay with […]
5 Things You Need to Stop Doing

IN ORDER TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE, YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR HABITS. THE FIRST STEP IS EVALUATING YOUR LIFE. START WITH ASKING YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS: “What in my life is working?” “What is working with my relationship with my fiancé?” “What areas in my life need a change?” After you’ve done your assessment on your life […]
How to Fix Insecurities in Your Relationship

WE ALL HAVE INSECURITIES THAT COME FROM OUR INNER VOICE THAT TELL US… You’re not like other people. You’re a failure. You never get anything right. No one will ever love you. You’re fat. He doesn’t really care about you. You’ve got to keep him interested. You’re better off on your own. You’ll never be able to quit drinking. What’s the point in […]
10 Tips for Dealing With Your In-Laws

When you marry your fiancé, you’re marrying their parents… like it or not. And if you plan on going the distance in marriage, which we hope you will, then you are stuck with them forever too. We’ve heard reports of families with healthy relationships on both sides, a rare case indeed and if that is use, […]
3 Dangers of Social Media & Your Relationship

Ahhhhh social media… it has brought so much good in this world. The ability to connect with people in an instant all across the globe, the ability to rally behind causes, share important updates, and maintain relationships with friends and family afar. Marriage365 was born from a Facebook page years ago, where we shared marriage quotes […]