12 Proper Etiquette Tips for Social Media

IN A WORLD WHERE SOCIAL MEDIA IS EVERYWHERE… …it’s important to know some basic rules, as well as some etiquette tools to keep us on the same page with respecting one another. No one says that you HAVE to follow any specific accounts, so if you’re choosing to follow someone, then there need to be […]
Our Favorite Tips For Newlyweds

THE VOWS HAVE BEEN EXCHANGED, THE GIFTS HAVE BEEN UNWRAPPED, THE HONEYMOON WAS A BLAST, AND THE THANK YOU NOTES HAVE BEEN WRITTEN… …and still, regardless of how long you’ve been together, being married is different. The first couple of years can be a challenge because learning how to do marriage the right way takes some […]
6 Tips on Surviving and Thriving in a Long Distance Relationship

RELATIONSHIPS ARE A WILD AND CHALLENGING JOURNEY ALL ON THEIR OWN. So it makes sense that, no matter the reason, when you add ‘long-distance’ into the mix, you find yourself up against some real “make it or break it” scenarios. Whether your partner is in the military, travels a lot for work, or is pursuing […]
8 Healthy Habits of a Confident Woman

WHILE MOST PEOPLE WHO SEE ME ONLINE CONSIDER ME A VERY CONFIDENT PERSON… …however, you must know that for almost a decade of my adult life, I was very insecure in most areas of my life. I cared what people thought of me way too much. I would stay up worrying about certain friendships, and […]
18 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Month

BEING SELF-AWARE IS EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL, AND ALLOWS YOU TO HAVE A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR EMOTIONS, ACTIONS, AND WHY YOU DO WHAT YOU DO. As you become more self-aware, you will learn about your strengths and weaknesses, and in learning those, you can strive to change as needed. Self reflection has been found to enhance […]
Our Debt Story: How We Paid Off $200k

WE HATE TALKING ABOUT MONEY. Budgets, spreadsheets, credit limits, financial goals, retirement funds… we’d rather talk about anything than have to face our money head on. But something terrible happened to us back in 2008, and we were forced to deal with our financial issues. This is our miraculous story about how we were able […]
6 Tips for Breaking Your Smartphone Obsession

I’M NOT SURE ABOUT YOU, BUT…. I don’t want to look back 20 years from now and know that I missed out on some of my life’s greatest memories, all because I was obsessed with scrolling on my phone. Relationships today are suffering for many reasons, but cell phone usage is by far on the top […]
The Best Present for the Engaged Couple in Your Life

What better gift could you give your newly engaged friends or family than their very own “Happily Ever After”?! We sure can’t think of any! 😜 A few years ago, after some time working with couples, we realized that there was a certain “intimidation factor” when people hear the phrase “premarital counseling”. So, in response, […]
How to Speak so Your Fiancé Listens

COMMUNICATION… IT’s WHAT CONNECTS US AND THERE ARE ALWAYS TWO SIDES: THE SPEAKER AND THE LISTENER. The Speaker The truth is, many of us are looking for the approval of those closest to us on some level or another. And this is often disguised by the desire to have our partner understand what we are talking about. […]
35 Questions to Ask Your Fiancé Right Now

MY HUSBAND AND I ARE COMPLETE OPPOSITES WHEN IT COMES TO CONVERSATION. I am an external processor and love to talk out loud. My husband is an internal processor and figures out almost everything in his head. This means that sometimes, in marriage, I feel like our conversations are one-sided. More accurately, I feel like […]